Web Design 1 & 2

7 weeks | $160
Web Design - Online Course
In this course students are introduced to web page scripting with HTML and page layout and formatting with CSS. They will learn to prepare images for use on a website. Students will complete a personal website and learn how to publish it to the World Wide Web. Students will use freely available software to complete the assignments – Notepad, Kompozer, and GIMP.

Digital Photography

7 weeks | $160
Digital Imaging - Online Course
Digital Photography
In this course students will take a digital camera in hand to experiment with light, focus, exposure, movement, composition and texture. Students will learn how to use their camera to create beautiful images. The course consists of a series of projects where students will apply what they have learned.

Digital Design

7 weeks | $160
Digital Imaging - Online Course
Digital Design
In this course students will create compelling, professional looking images and graphic designs. They’ll learn how to use standard software applications to edit and create compelling images. Students will learn technical topics like working with layers and masks, adding special effects and effectively using type-faces to create visual impact.

C++ programming 1, 2 & 3

7 weeks | $160
Programming in C++ - Online Course
In this series of three courses students learn the basics of C++ programming through hands-on projects. Using Visual C++ 2010 Express, they’ll master the building blocks of programming: functions, variables, loops, arrays, classes and windows programming. This course is an excellent introduction to the C++ programming language and the field of software development.

Intro to Programming in Python

4 week Intersession | $90
Intro to Programming in Python - Online Course
In this beginning level course students are introduced to basic programming concepts, while learning to create fun games and interactive programs. This is a great class for students with no programming background but who are eager to learn how computers "think."

Game Design

4 week Intersession | $90
Game Design - Online Course
Kodu Game Lab
In this class students will explore the world of game design using a variety of game design tools. The Kodu Game Lab program introduces basic programming concepts and game play design.